Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Last weight check!
Shepherd and I went to his doctor this morning. He did great! He weighs 8 pounds and 13 ounces. He is in the 10th percentile for weight. Last time I think he was in the 4th. So we are doing good. Doctor told us to keep it up. Our next appointment is April 12th. It'll be for his 2 month well check. It's a couple weeks late because Shep and I will be in Florida for 2 weeks. Marvin is coming to visit on Easter weekend and Shep and I will be there the week before and after Easter. My family can't wait for a good long visit with Shepherd... oh and me. =)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Weight check part 3
At Shep's last doctor visit on Thursday he was 7 pounds 6 ounces. The nurse wants him to gain more weight, but we made good progress. He needs to gain one ounce a day. We have to go back in 2 weeks for another check. She said he is perfect, just needs some more meat on his bones. Now we have to give him 2 ounces of formula after every breastfeeding (he breastfeeds for an hour at a time). My milk is plentiful, he's just super hungry... he's trying to catch up.
My Mom and Dad were here this weekend. They came for Shepherd's blessing. My Mom was so sad to leave. She was sobbing. She kept trying to get me to go home with them until Easter. I would miss Marvin too much. I told her we would find a time when Shep and I could come down for a week and have a nice long visit.
I have lots of pictures to post. I'll put them up later. I need to rest while Shep does.
My Mom and Dad were here this weekend. They came for Shepherd's blessing. My Mom was so sad to leave. She was sobbing. She kept trying to get me to go home with them until Easter. I would miss Marvin too much. I told her we would find a time when Shep and I could come down for a week and have a nice long visit.
I have lots of pictures to post. I'll put them up later. I need to rest while Shep does.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Shepherd weight check part 2
We went to the doctor yesterday. He weighs 7 pounds 1 ounce! Hooray! We go back next week for his 1 month check up. Hopefully after that we won't have to go back until his 2 month appointment. We have great photos to share, but I'll have to wait for Marvin to get the photos in a slideshow. I can't figure out to do it. Stay tuned for adorable pictures. =)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Weight check
We went to see the pediatrician this morning. Shepherd gained 5 ounces in 5 days. Now his weight is at 6 pounds and 8 ounces. Hooray! He has been eating like crazy these last few days. I think he's finally getting the hang of eating. We are still doing 1 ounce of formula after every other breast feeding. I'm so glad my milk is coming strong, he's going to be such a big boy. I don't mind sitting on the couch all day breast feeding him. It's all worth it! I would do anything for our sweet boy. We go back to the doctor next Tuesday for one more weight check and then we should be good.
Today was the first time I went out with Shepherd alone. I was a little nervous, but we did great. The next test it to go to the store with him. One day at a time! =)
Today was the first time I went out with Shepherd alone. I was a little nervous, but we did great. The next test it to go to the store with him. One day at a time! =)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Shepherd well check
We had our well check this morning. Shepherd hasn't gained any weight. He didn't lose any either. The nurse lactation consultant had me stay and give him a feeding. After I was done they weighed him and he gained an ounce. So we have a new plan for feeding him. Instead of switching sides during a feeding I will feed only on one side for 40 minutes. Then switch sides on the next feeding. 4 times a day I will pump after his feeding for 10 minutes on each side. 1 time a day I will pump for 30 minutes to and hour. This will help my supply to increase so Shepherd can gain weight.
He is absolutely perfect in every other way. He is longer so his newborn clothes don't fit him anymore. The nurse remarked at how strong he is and that he will be an early roller. We had that feeling. She mentioned that is looks to her that he was born a couple weeks early. Maybe my dates were off. That is probably why he is such a sleepy baby. So whenever I nurse him I need a wet clothe to wipe his head with to help him wake up and eat.
His circumcision is perfect.
We have to go back on Friday to check his weight. I know we'll have the hang of it by then.
We love this little guy so much! =)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Shepherd 1 Week Old
Here he is 1 week old...I'm surprised we didn't take more pictures than this. We did get some video though. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Birth Story of Shepherd
We checked into the hospital on Thursday (Jan. 28th) evening at 6pm. I was soooo nervous and anxious about what was going to happen. After I changed and we got settled the doctor came in. He checked me and then inserted the cervadil inside of me. Ouch! It hurts so bad. It felt like sandpaper. After it was inserted it felt much better. After that we had to wait 12 hours for it to take its full effect. The next morning the doctor checked me and I had not changed. Argh! So they started me on my first round of pitocin. I was worried because I was still thinking I could go natural. It was difficult because I was hooked up to so many monitors and IVs I couldn't walk around easily. We managed to try a few positions right by my bed. I did well though. So around noon my doctor came in to check me. I changed a little, I was 2 cm. Not much of a change. She broke my water and said she'd check back with me in a few hours. The sensation of my water breaking was so bizarre. It kept coming before every contraction. Every 15 minutes the nurse would come in to increase the dose of pitocin. So now I had my water broken and pitocin flowing strong. About an hour after my water broke I was still doing ok with the contractions. Breathing and focusing on other things trying not to think about the pain. After that hour, the contractions came so heavy and very fast. The doctor checked me and I was unchanged! I told Marvin and my Mom, I can't do this. If I had changed some I might think I could, but still... nothing! I made the decision to get the epidural. I felt a little sad I couldn't go natural, but I know I did the right thing. My poor Mom, she had to leave the room when I had bad contractions or when the doctor checked me. She couldn't stand to see me in so much pain. Anyway... they ordered the epidural and we had to wait. It seemed like forever, especially since the contractions were even stronger. I had to focus on Marvin's face and breathe. Wow! I really admire women that have done this naturally. The doctor came in and got the epidural going. It took a while to feel it's effect, so I got to have many more contractions until then. I finally started to relax and feel less. So every 15 minutes they increased the pitocin. We watched the monitor anxiously to see how strong the contractions were. After we hit the top dosage of pitocin the doctor checked me. I was inbetween a 2 and a 3. ARGH! After all of that.... Ok so we had to make a choice. We could stop the pitocin for several hours and start again or go for the c-section. We talked and decided to try another round of pitocin. If that didn't work we were out of options because they had already broke my water and had 18 hours to get him out. So... they restarted the pitocin 3 hours later and increased the dosage every 15 minutes. We we topped out in the early hours of the morning on Saturday. The doctor checked me and.... no change! We put the c-section into motion. It happen very quickly. The nurse got me ready and Marvin put his scrubs on (he looked so handsome!). They were wheeling me out of the room and I was ready to go around 6am. Oh! The night before my sister-in-law Mandy came and she stayed with us the whole night. She was such a HUGE help. Anyway... They got me on the table and prepped me for the c-section. I had that drape in front of me so all I could do is listen. The surgical people were so funny. They made the experience so much better with their good humor and great bed side manner. They brought Marvin in and they got to work. Marvin stood to watch what was going on. After they got to the baby and pulled him out Marvin got a little weak in the knees. They noticed it and told him to sit down. As soon as Shepherd hit the outside he screamed his head off. What a glorious sound!!!! I was sobbing. Marvin was in awe. They showed me the baby over the drape and I squeaked out, "He's not that big!" They all had a good laugh. After they cleaned him they brought the baby to Marvin. He was such a proud Papa. I just kept crying and crying. The baby stopped crying as soon as he was in Marvin's arms. I got so worked up that I had a hard time breathing. The doctor came over and helped me to calm down. Marvin went with Shepherd back to our room (I told him to stay with the baby). The doctors finished closing me up and wheeled me back to the room. Marvin brought me the baby. What an amazing feeling to hold your child the first time. After a few minutes the nurse (a good friend of ours from church. I was so happy to see her there) said she needed to do a few more things with Shepherd. She brought him back a few minutes later and we attempted to breastfeed the first time. It was very awkward. I was still very numb and doped up. But we gave it a good try. The nurse hooked me up to a morphine drip for the pain. I took used the morphine for the first hours but I hated it. I felt sooooo out of it. Shepherd and I were trying to learn how to nurse and I could barely keep my eyes open from the drugs. I decided to stop taking it right then. No more morphine! So I went the rest of the hospital stay without any pain meds. I did have some ibuprofen and that helped enough. When we came home I was given a prescription for pain and I still haven't taken it (I have it just on case). I'm using ibuprofen. I just couldn't stand the way I felt with the meds. Anyway... since we've been home we have gotten to be pros at nursing. We fall in love with Shepherd more and more everyday. My Mom is dreading going home on Sunday. She adores this little guy. So do we!
Well it's been 4 days since we've had our sweet miracle baby. Looking back on the 36 hours of labor and then having the c-section. All the pain and discomfort we went through is long forgotten. I would go through all this again, in a heartbeat, to have Shepherd.
Well it's been 4 days since we've had our sweet miracle baby. Looking back on the 36 hours of labor and then having the c-section. All the pain and discomfort we went through is long forgotten. I would go through all this again, in a heartbeat, to have Shepherd.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Shepherd's Birth Photos
Check out our photos of Baby Shepherd. We are home now and so happy. Brenda is still recovering and Shepherd is doing a great job nursing. We will post more info later after Brenda is feeling better. Enjoy the photos. =)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
We are having a baby!
Just got home from my last OB appointment. It was wonderful! I have the best doctors. Shepherd is nice and low. My cervix is still facing the wrong way, but it is softening and he could feel the baby's head on the other side. So my OB was very happy about that. He scheduled me to check in the hospital tomorrow evening (Thursday) at 6pm. He will start me on cervidil and let that sit overnight. At 6am Friday morning he will start me on pitocin. He said the cervidil might start the contractions too. We'll have to see how my body reacts to it. We will have our laptop with us so we will keep our blog up to date.
Also, I have lost 9 pounds total from my pre-pregnancy weight. Can't wait to see how much I lose after he is born and we start nursing.=)
My Mom is driving up here tomorrow and she will be here around 1pm. I am so glad she will be a part of this with Marvin and I.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
39 weeks!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
38 weeks and 4 day appointment
Just got home from my OB appointment. I haven't changed at all. That's to be expected with a first baby. I asked the OB if he would have to induce me before my due date. He said yes. My next OB appointment is next Wednesday and he will decide then if I will go in to be induced on Thursday or Friday morning. That is unless I go into labor between now and then??? I don't think I will. My body is perfectly happy keeping him in for 8 or 9 more days. I think Shepherd is happy too. He is already a Mommy's boy. Until he gets older then he'll be Daddy's helper. The OB said, after my exam, that "we have a good size baby here." Yikes! Maybe he will tip the scales at 9 pounds? We'll see... Anyone have a guess?
I asked the OB if I need to continue checking my blood sugar after baby is born. He said I've done so well the whole pregnancy that it should go away right after the baby is born. He said they will probably give me another glucose check 12 weeks postpartum to make sure it's all gone. If I continue with this diet I will have good milk for Shepherd and good health for me. =) I like that! =)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Trip to the hospital
We went for a little trip to the hospital this morning. I woke up not feeling Shepherd moving around like he usually does. I ate some yogurt, laid on my side, and counted kicks. After an hour I had only counted 3. So we called the doctor (why does this always happen on a Sunday morning) and she said I'm probably fine, but come in and let's check anyway. So we were excited to have trial run to the hospital. Marvin stood there and said, "What do I do? What do I put on?' He is so cute. I kept telling him this probably isn't the real thing, I'm not feeling enough real contractions.... just braxton hicks. Just in case we brought the rest of our hospital bags and left them in the car. I love being prepared. We got into the triage room in the maternity ward. They hooked me up to the heart monitor and contraction monitor. Of course... Shepherd is moving around like a maniac by then. My blood pressure was perfect and my pulse. I felt so dumb for coming in and wasting everyone's time. The nurses were super sweet telling me it's better to be safe then sorry. We were there about 3 hours. I was so uncomfortable not being able to move around. My braxton hicks were getting stronger. My OB came in and checked out the monitor and said everything is fine and we could go home. She said we'll just see each other at my regular Wednesday appointment.
When we got home my back was on fire and I was aching from the braxton hicks. I could not imagine sitting at church for 3 hours. I would have been miserable. So Marvin and I stayed home and he's taking great care of me. We watched some conference talks and I took a long nap. Shepherd is getting too big for the space in my body... hopefully he will come out soon. =)
I asked the OB if we could be induced this Friday. I'm super worried about him being too big for me to push out. She said the soonest they could induce me would be Monday. But there is an increased risk for a c-section. As long as we are ok with that? Marvin doesn't want to do that. I think we are just going to wait it out. But if Shepherd doesn't come soon they will have to induce me on the 29th. They won't let me go over my due date.
Oh the drama! I feel better after my long nap. I'm still aching with braxton hicks, but now I can sit on my exercise ball and walk around to relieve the pain.
Only 13 more days! =)
Friday, January 15, 2010
38 weeks!
Here is our 38 week photo. We are praying hard that Shepherd will come early. He might be 8 pounds right now and I am scared of him growing for 2 more weeks.... AH! He might be a 9 pounder! We know that the Lord has His hand in all things and we will be happy with His will.
It doesn't hurt to pray for an early delivery. We would like Shepherd to come on the 22nd. That way my Mom can stay a few extra days to help us. Otherwise we will probably be induced on the 29th. They won't let us go past the due date (30th). I've been having braxton hicks. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they were pretty strong. Yesterday and today I have only felt really weak ones. I'm sitting on my exercise ball alot to help my body prepare for labor and I am walking on the treadmill to help Shepherd get further down in my pelvis.
I am not scared of labor. I am very excited. I am ready for the pain, because we will receive the best reward ever... Shepherd Lee Henry. =)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
37 weeks and 4 days
We had a great OB appointment today. Shepherd is wonderful! He's still kicking and poking me all the time. I'm still feeling aching and crampy, but I don't mind! =) My cervix is in a good position. I'm still dilated to 1 and baby's head is pushing down into the birth canal. Hopefully, this next week I will dilate more. My blood sugar levels are perfect.
My Mom really wants us to have Shepherd on the 22nd that way she spend a few more days with us. That's what we are praying for. =) We can't wait for the big day!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Last Ultrasound Pictures
Here's our little man! Well he's not so little anymore. Julie, the ultrasound tech, said he is measuring 7 pounds 1 ounce. Wow! I wonder if they will have to induce me early? I'll find out today at my OB appointment
. Look at his chubby little cheeks and his sweet little nose. He is so cute! =)

He wouldn't take his hand off of his face. In this one it's his profile and he has his hand right over his face. Look how long his fingers are! Just like his Aunt Renee.


Thank you Julie! =)
Friday, January 1, 2010
36 weeks (tomorrow)
I can't believe it! We only have 29 days until Shepherd's due date. I think he dropped a little. I feel him a lot lower now. I don't' think he has totally dropped, but he's working his way down the correct pathway. =) I'm feeling great. He is moving a lot still and he has the hiccups a couple times a day. So cute! I love this little baby so much. I am looking forward to our last ultrasound on Monday. Hopefully, the tech can get a good look at his little face.
Happy New Year! =)
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