Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm heading for a miscarriage. I knew something was wrong when my OB called me personally. She said it doesn't look good and that I'm probably going to miscarry. She said I was probably 10 weeks along, but the baby stopped growing at 4 1/2 weeks. So, she wants to wait a week to see if I can pass it naturally and then if it doesn't she will do a D&E (get it out herself).
I'm sad and so embarrassed, but she said we are not defeated! We know that I can get pregnant! I'm just focusing on the positives.
If you call me I can't promise that I will answer. I need a few days to go through this. Marvin is wonderful! So supportive and loving! I know everything will be fine... I just need some time to grieve and to miscarry. I will keep the blog updated on my progress.


Alana said...
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Alana said...

I am so sorry! Your doctor is right, you can get pregnant... and keep focusing on the positives. You're such a strong woman! You'll get through this. Your family and friends are great and are always there to help you. Marvin is a great guy and you two will be blessed! :)

Margaret and Jason Mair said...

I am so so sorry! You both are so blessed to have each other! I wish I was there to give you a big hug and cry with you! I love you oh so much and I know the Lord loves you even more then I do! Please call me if you need anything! I may be 3000 miles away but I can listen or anything!
Love you,