Monday, September 7, 2009

19 weeks and 2 days!

Marvin and I spent a wonderful weekend in Florida. We went to the Temple and were sealed as husband and wife for time and all eternity. What a great blessing to receive before the baby is born. We had several good friends there to celebrate with us... Abe, Jeff, Kari, JoAnn, Bishop Jackson and his wife, Jenny, Annie, and Justin. It was awesome!
After the sealing I went maternity clothes shopping with my sister Renee and my good friend Kari (who came all the way from Georgia to be there for us). We were supposed to meet my parents at a restaurant for lunch. Marvin had invited those that came to our sealing too. Anyway... we walk in the restaurant and I heard a bunch of people yell "SURPRISE!" I realized that my Mom and sister had planned a surprise baby shower for me and Marvin. I looked at my sister and Kari and my eyes welled up with tears. I was so shocked! I really had no clue. Marvin came a little bit after that and our friends and family got to yell surprise again. A lot of my Florida friends and family were there. It was so nice to be able to party with them, since they won't be able to come up here for my Georgia baby shower. What a wonderful day!
I'm feeling good. We just got home from Florida. My left foot is swollen from the drive and from doing a lot this weekend. But it was all worth it. My Mom and Dad are driving up on Friday. They are making a special trip to be here for the big sonogram. Of course we will tell the world how it goes.
It feels great to know I will be with Marvin and our children forever! =)

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