Tuesday, December 1, 2009

31 weeks and 3 days photos

Here is Shepherd's profile. You can see his cheeks are getting chubby. He was snuggled up to my placenta the whole time too. I guess it makes a nice pillow?

He kept his arm over his face most of the time. You can see his sweet smile. Tech said he has a lot of dark hair (just like Marvin).

Here's another look at his smile. He opened his eyes at one point, but it was only for a second and the tech could not get a picture of it. We'll have to wait until he's out to see his eyes.

Another big grin. He was smiling the whole time and he kept opening his mouth and drinking the fluid. I had breakfast one hour before so he was probably tasting the oatmeal I had eaten.


Renee said...

Poor kid, if he has the Withrow puffy cheeks he will probably have the Shepherd "no Butt" too. :)

The Chattin Family said...

I'm in love with his little face!